173 research outputs found

    Review Paper on Comparison of RIP, OSPF and EIGRP Protocols Using Simulation

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    Routing plays important role in internet communication and it is based on routing protocols, now a day's many routing protocols exist, among these routing protocols most famous are RIP (Routing information protocol) and OSPF (Open shortest path first). In this research work we analyze the performance of these protocols in term of their convergence, traffic, CPU utilization by changing special parameters within network. Cisco Packet Tracer simulation tool is used to design the network; analysis of the results is examined using standard tools

    Study of Multidrug Resistance Pattern among Escherichia coli isolated from patients with Urinary tract infection

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    Objective: Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are some of the most common bacterial infections encountered in community and cause of significant morbidity and high medical cost. Escherichia coli is the most common pathogen belongs to Enterobacteriaceae family responsible for majority of UTI infections. Antimicrobial drugs have been routinely prescribed for empirical treatment of UTIs which has led to a dramatic increase in antibiotic resistance pattern of E. coli. The aim of present study was to analyse the multidrug resistance patterns (MDR) of E. coli isolated from UTI patients.Methods: A total of 80 urine samples collected from the patients suspected of having UTI attending Maharishi Markandeshwar Institute of Medical Sciences and Research (MMIMSR), Mullana, Ambala were cultured using standard microbiological techniques. Antibiotic susceptibility testing of E.coli was done by using minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). MIC of tetracycline, doxycycline, azithromycin, erythromycin, ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, ampicillin, amoxicillin and amikacin was done by agar dilution method.Results: Of the total 46 isolates contributing 33 females and 13 males were confirmed as E. coli. About 51.34% of the female patients belonged to the age group 21-40 yr and 53.84% of the male population belonged to 41-80 yr were found to be more susceptible to UTI infection. All isolates confirmed as E.coli were found to be multidrug resistant. 80% of the isolates exhibited MICs higher than 1000mg/L against β-lactams. 20% of the E. coli isolates exhibited MICs higher than 1000mg/L against ciprofloxacin, amikacin and erythromycin. 23% and 95% of E. coli isolates exhibited MICs less than 128 mg/L against doxycycline and levofloxacin respectively.Conclusion: The present study revealed the decreased susceptibility of the E.coli to all drugs. E. coli resistance profile to beta lactams, quinolones, macrolides, tetracyclines and aminoglycosides were also found to be quite high in this study emphasizing the need to educate public about appropriate use of antibiotics.N

    Internet, datacenters and water footprints

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    Digital revolution is making a big contribution in India's fast-pace development. Digital media's role in the fields of economy, entertainment, communication, research, etc. is enormous, and has developed along with the other technologies. According to a report, every Indian was using an average of 12 GB internet data per month until 2019 (highest in the world), which is estimated to rise to 25 GB/month by 2025. Although rising trend of internet users is a welcome indicator, but we should be aware of the pressures on the available resources due to the use of internet data (e.g. water footprint of using 1 GB of internet data). Owing to the growing demand of internet use, and due to large market opportunitites and favourable conditions, many investers are considering establishment of data centres in India. These data centres work 24x7 and consume enourmous energy. In America alone, these data centres consumed 62,600 crore litres of water in the year 2014. The capacity of data centres established in India until 1st half of 2020 was 375 MW and according to a report, it is estimated to become 1078 MW by 2025. The water footprint data of data centres in India are either not available or not made public for some reasons. This requires careful study and formulation of a policy for establishment and operation of data centres in India. MeitY (GoI) has recently drafted a Data Centre Policy-2020, which unfortunately does not explicitly mention about the water footprint of data centres or water conservation measures to be adopted by the data centres in India. Such data centre companies should also be mandated to contribute their CSR funds towards conservation of local water resources and promotion of circular economy (CE) in their respective areas. In view of the pressures on the limited water resources available in India, it is imperative to study the water footprint of data centres and to develop appropriate technology-based solutions for mitigation of adverse impacts on the water resources. This paper presents a thought-provoking overview of all these aspects

    Improving ultra wideband (UWB) system by modified random combination of pulses

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    Ultra-Wideband (UWB) technology uses very narrow pulses of nano-seconds duration to provide very high data rates. The pulses to be used for the UWB are very important and should meet the emission mask regulatory requirements to get good performance when transmitted over the channel. To meet these requirements, a combination of higher order derivatives of Gaussian pulses can be considered to form a combined pulse instead of transmitting them separately. The main aim of this paper is to improve the performance of Ultra Wideband (UWB) multiple access modulation system with a newly Proposed combined pulse, generated using a modified random pulse combining of the first five Gaussian derivative pulses with optimal shaping factors as basic functions. In order to meet the UWB power spectrum regulations, the power spectral utilization of the newly designed pulse is calculated and the bit error rate performance of the pulse position modulation time hopping system using the newly proposed pulse is analyzed in a multi-path channel environment using RAKE receiver. The simulation results carried out in MATLAB software shows that the new proposed combined pulse has higher pulse energy matching the spectral limits of UWB and an improved bit error rate performance as compared to the previous literature results

    Closed Form Expressions for Delay to Ramp Inputs for On-Chip VLSI RC Interconnect

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    In high speed digital integrated circuits, interconnects delay can be significant and should be included for accurate analysis. Delay analysis for interconnect has been done widely by using moments of the impulse response, from the explicit Elmore delay (the first moment of the impulse response) expression, to moment matching methods which creates reduced order trans impedance and transfer function approximations. However, the Elmore delay is fast becoming ineffective for deep submicron technologies, and reduced order transfer function delays are impractical for use as early-phase design metrics or as design optimization cost functions. This paper describes an approach for fitting moments of the impulse response to probability density functions so that delay can be estimated accurately at an early physical design stage. For RC trees it is demonstrated that the inverse gamma function provides a provably stable approximation. We used the PERI [13] (Probability distribution function Extension for Ramp Inputs) technique that extends delay metrics for ramp inputs to the more general and realistic non-step inputs. The accuracy of our model is justified with the results compared with that of SPICE simulations. Keywords¾ Moment Matching, On-Chip Interconnect, Probability Distribution function, Cumulative Distribution function, Delay calculation, Slew Calculation, Beta Distribution, VLSI

    Effect of packaging materials on the shelf-life of strawberry cv. Sweet Charlie under room temperature storage

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    Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) fruits cv. Sweet Charlie were harvested at the 3/4th maturity stage. Freshly harvested fruits were packed in plastic punnets and wrapped with different packaging materials viz., low-density polyethylene (LDPE) 25, 50 and 75 micron, polypropylene (PP) 25 micron, cellophane paper and cling film. Effect of all the packaging materials was studied in ambient storage condition (18-25 ºC and 80-90% RH). The result showed that LDPE 50 micron packaging material proved as the most effective one to control the weight loss (5.49%) and all of the LDPE films along with the PP and cling films appeared best to minimize decay loss. MAP conditions help prevent the decaying of strawberry fruits up to a day. The total soluble solids (6.35% - 5.78%) and titratable acidity (0.91% - 0.70%) were found to be decreased with the prolongation of storage periods, but no significant variation was recorded for different packaging materials. A better level of ascorbic acid in strawberry fruits packed with LDPE 50 (31.56 mg/ 100g) and 75 micron (29.86 mg/ 100g) packaging films was retained. The organoleptic rating of strawberry fruits was found best in fruits packed with LDPE 50 micron (7.90) packaging films. In future, these experimental results may prove very useful for storage of strawberry fruits for a certain period in better quality

    Classification of Diabetic Retinopathy using Convolutional Neural Network

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    Diabetic Retinopathy is a scenario in medical field which leads to the rise of damage of blood vessels in the retina which is due to diabetes mellitus. The suitable detection for this kind of problems and care to be done immediately in order to prohibit loss of sight in a person. Presently, diagnosing Diabetic Retinopathy manually is a time- consuming process where they require experienced clinicians to examine the digital-colored fundus images. Here, we have proposed a machine learning technology using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) approach which has emerged as an operative productive tool in medical image examination for the classification and detection of Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) in real-world. The different layers which are used to detect the brain tumor are conv2D, Activation, MaxPooling2D, Dense and Flatten. The set used here considers 750 retinal images, with 600 training images and the test set considers 150 images with the accuracy of 82.75% which ran for 80 epochs